Macdonald Bridge closes for special events Sunday, August 4 and Monday, August 5
August 1, 2024

The Macdonald Bridge will close twice this weekend to accommodate Natal Day weekend events. The Bridge will host MACPASS Miles and Bridgewalk 2024 on Sunday, Aug. 4. Additionally, the bridge will be part of the Natal Day Parade route on Monday, Aug. 5. The bicycle lane and pedestrian walkway will be open as usual, during those periods.
Bridge Closures:
- Sunday, August 4: The Macdonald Bridge will be closed to vehicle traffic from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. for MACPPASS Miles and Bridgewalk 2024.
- Monday, August 5: The bridge will be closed to vehicle traffic from 7 a.m. to noon, as part of the Natal Day Parade route.
Event Details:
- Online registration closes Friday, August 2.
- Races begin 9 a.m. Sunday, August 4.
Bridgewalk 2024:
- The family fun celebration begins at 2 p.m. Sunday.
- Enjoy breathtaking views and live entertainment, including band performances and a circus act.
- See various community booths and displays. Get tips on recycling properly, get a close up view of a Halifax fire truck and vehicles used at the bridges.
- The popular Ask an Engineer booth returns where you can talk all things bridge-related with our experts. Have fun finding 26 bridge-related items contained in our Bridgewalk Passport.
- Grab a MACPASS sticker transponder for your vehicle and activate it online at your convenience.
- There will be free treats available.
Natal Day Parade:
- The parade starts in Halifax at the Hydrostone, crosses the Macdonald Bridge and ends in Dartmouth at Sullivan’s Pond.