Halifax Harbour Bridges launches Key Partner Program 

February 28, 2023

Halifax Harbour Bridges (HHB) is proud to announce the launch of its new Key Partner Program – an initiative aimed at fostering meaningful community support and involvement that will make an impact.

HHB CEO Tony Wright made the announcement following a recent HHB Board meeting, indicating the inaugural partner for 2023 will be the Canadian Mental Health Association, Nova Scotia Division (CMHA NS).

HHB is building on its existing community initiatives, such as the bridge banner and rock bed logo programs, as well as past fundraising projects with CMHA NS, including the 2022 bridge calendar and a Match-The-Donation contribution.

HHB CEO Tony Wright

“HHB prioritizes psychological health as part of its strategic plan. We see this program as a great way to demonstrate to the community just how that commitment plays out in action,” CEO Tony Wright said.

HHB has chosen to support a key mental health organization making a difference in the wider community as the program’s first partner.

“If we can help them help more Nova Scotians, this alone would be a valuable exercise – but we also want to learn from them to bolster our mental health supports for employees.”

CMHA NS Executive Director, Karn Nichols said the organization is delighted to partner with HHB.

“To us, this is more than a great fundraising initiative. It’s a great example of an organization taking real steps to support their employees and our community’s mental health.”

As part of the Key Partnership Program, HHB will be offering wellness education for staff, as well as more crisis training for emergency response teams. A series of monthly Mental Health Moments, done in partnership with CHMA HS, will also be featured on the HHB website.

HHB is also announcing a $10 registration fee for adults participating in the MACPASS Miles road race, starting in 2023. All funds from the 2023 event will go to CMHA NS. Registration for children and youth is still free.

Each year, a new organization will be selected by HHB to participate in the Key Partner Program. The organization must be a registered Canadian charity, and its mandate must align with HHB’s Mission, Vision or Strategic Plan, among other criteria. Interested organizations can find out more by contacting HHB at bridges@hdbc.ns.ca.