Outgoing CEO lauded for commitment to safety
June 7, 2022

HHB CEO Steve Snider was lauded by two separated organizations recently for his contribution to promoting and developing a safety culture in Nova Scotia and beyond.
Stuart MacLean, CEO of the Nova Scotia Workers Compensation Board, said Snider’s unrelenting commitment to the development of a safety culture over the past 28 years is unprecedented.
“His impact can be felt well beyond Halifax Harbour Bridges. As a safety champion, he has helped numerous organizations across the province and across the globe to understand the importance of establishing a vibrant safety culture, ” said MacLean.
HHB has gone more than 3.5 years without a single lost-time injury and starts many of its meetings with a safety moment.
Mark Muriello, Director, Policy and Governmental Affairs with the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) opened a recent virtual meeting by praising Snider for his leadership and stewardship of all things environmental.
“He’s our Al Gore,” said Muriello referring to the former US Vice president turned environmental activist. “When Steve was president of the organization in 2010, he pinpointed sustainability as a key priority. That was really advanced thinking for the time and has positioned IBTTA effectively.”
Steve retires from HHB at the end of June.